Tuesday, January 20, 2009


We love only after sundown
Where we are "safe"
In the darkness of gloomy shadows
Under the blankets of the absence of light

As opposite as day and night
Are you in the two
Our time together is a dream
Gone when I wake in the morning

The sunlight beams warmth across your face
Yet your stare reflects only
Icy indifference back on me
That chills the innermost part of my soul

By day another lurks
Trying to resolve and unrequited thirst for you
And yearns to find you alone on a

Her parched soul drains us
Yet draws you
You give her not the endless oceans she craves
But as my back is turned and your eyes closed
You allow her to drink
And so she returns again and again
Hoping to receive the seven seas

Though only streams and puddles are given her
They are taken from me
My soul does not yet thirst
And why should it
Why should my well run dry
And my water be wasted
On someone who turned to dust
So long ago

Cerra Ann Craven

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